Press the Severity button Diagnostics severity button 3.17 to open the Diagnostics Severity Settings window. From this window, users can set the level of severity for each of the listed events. The Alert level can be customized to each event to fit the needs of your organization. The values on the lists for the severity events can be set to Info, Warning, or Error.


Diagnostics Severity Settings Window

Diagnostics Severity Settings Window



After making the selections, click the Done Diagnostics severity done button 3.17 button.


Severity  Definitions Table:

This table lists the fields from the Diagnostics Severity Settings Window with a brief definition of the alerts and recommended severity settings and potential resolutions.


DVR Severity Field Descriptions


DVR Severity Field


Recommended Severity

Potential Resolution

Firmware Version Changed

The version of the firmware currently installed on the device has changed.


No resolution. Informational only.

FW Upgrade Fault

Firmware upgrade failed too many times and will not be retried.


ARMOR has stopped trying to upgrade the firmware. Manually attempt to upgrade the firmware

FW Upgrade Warning

An attempt to upgrade the Firmware on the DVR was interrupted.


Wait for ARMOR to make another attempt to upgrade the DVR firmware.

HD Failure

The hard drive has failed.


The hard drive will need to be replaced.

HD File Error

A hard drive file system error occurred.


Ignore if error occurs once or twice over a three-week time frame. If error continues to happen more frequently, remove hard drive and check time/date where error occurred using VMS. If error is found, reformat DVR or contact REI Tech Support.

HD Formatted

The hard drive was reformatted.


Verify hard drive reformatting was authorized. Any metadata downloads will be lost in the event of reformatting.

HD Full

Hard drive is full with video files and/or metadata.


Clear or replace the hard drive.

HD Inserted

A hard drive was inserted.


No resolution. Informational only.

HD Memory Error

A hard drive memory error occurred.


Ignore if error occurs once or twice over a three-week time frame. If error continues to happen more frequently, remove hard drive and check time/date where error occurred using VMS. If error is found, reformat DVR or contact REI Tech Support.

HD Missing

The DVR has no hard drive connected, or has failed to detect the hard drive.


Insert a hard drive or check the connection of the hard drive.

HD Removed

The hard drive was removed.


Insert a hard drive in order to save video and metadata.

HDD Reboot

The hard drive is restarted.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

HDD Retry

The DVR has detected an error condition with the hard drive and has attempted to resolve it.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

High Temp.

High temperature detected.


Ensure that the DVR is used at a safe operating temperature.

High Temp. Fault

The DVR had to shut down due to high temperature.


Verify that the DVR has not been damaged by high temperature.

Low Temp.

Low temperature detected.


Ensure that the DVR is used at a safe operating temperature.

Over Current

A high level of current is detected on the mobile device currently installed on the vehicle.


Vehicle issue. Check battery and wiring.

Power Off Check Passed

Power is confirmed as not being supplied to the unit.


No resolution. Informational only.

Power On Check Passed

Power to the unit is confirmed.


No resolution. Informational only.

SD Full

The SD card is full.


Clear or replace the SD card.

Thread Stop

Informational diagnostic messages.


No resolution. Informational only.

Time Off

The system clock on the DVR was adjusted as the DVR clock is set to be synchronized with the server.


If this issue with the time not maintaining synchronization with the server continues to occur, contact REI Tech Support.

Timezone Inconsistent

The timezone on the DVR did not match the timezone of its associated group. The timezone for the DVR has been updated accordingly.


No resolution. Informational only.

USB Full

The USB drive is full.


Clear or replace the USB drive.

Vehicle Missing

The vehicle has not reported for a long time and is considered missing. (The default is 30 days but can be configured to a different number of days).


Same resolution as Vehicle Not Reporting.

Vehicle Not Reporting

The vehicle has not reported for several days. (The default is seven days but can be configured to a different number of days).


Verify that the DVR has network connectivity with the server. If the vehicle is no longer being used, an administrator should mark the vehicle as “Out of Service” on the Vehicles page in ARMOR.

Video Loss

Camera is unable to record video.


Check cable connection. Inspect camera to assure it is operating properly.

Watchdog Fault

The DVR makes a corrective reboot resulting from a locking condition.


DVR locked up and rebooted. Call REI Tech Support.


Vehicle Severity Field Descriptions


Vehicle Severity Field


Recommended Severity

Potential Resolution

Blind Camera

Camera is blocked by an object or covered when recording.


Remove any obstructions from the camera lens.

High Voltage

Excessive voltage detected on the mobile device currently installed on the vehicle.


Vehicle issue.  Check battery and wiring.

Low Voltage

Inadequate voltage detected on the mobile device currently installed on the vehicle.


Battery could be weak. Check battery voltage.

Red Stop

Red stop warning/error indicator lights are on.


Vehicle issue detected. Stop vehicle and check mechanical condition of the vehicle.

Vehicle Added

A new vehicle was added.


No resolution. Informational only.

Vehicle Started Reporting

The vehicle has begun communicating with the server.


No resolution. Informational only.

Vehicle Stopped Reporting

The vehicle has stopped communicating with the server.


If this is unexpected, the DVR may have lost network connectivity.

Voltage Alert

The server has suspended communication with the vehicle due to low voltage.


Check battery condition/voltage.

Yellow Warning

Yellow warning/error indicator lights are on.


Vehicle issue detected. Stop vehicle and check mechanical condition of the vehicle.


ARMOR Severity Field Descriptions


ARMOR Severity Field


Recommended Severity

Potential Resolution

Alert Acknowledged

An ARMOR user has acknowledged an alert, meaning the alert will no longer appear in ARMOR. (An “alert” is defined as one of the items in this list).


No resolution. Informational only.

DvrType Missing

ARMOR could not detect the type of DVR it is communicating with.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

FW Upgrade Comm.

ARMOR lost connection while attempting to upgrade the DVR.


If this happens frequently, the DVR may have a weak network connection.

FW Upgrade Complete

Firmware upgrade complete.


No resolution. Informational only.

FW Upgrade Start

Began firmware upgrade.


No resolution. Informational only.

Incoming Check Comm.

ARMOR has lost the network connection with the DVR during the incoming check.


If this happens frequently, the DVR may have a weak network connection.

Incoming Check OK

Incoming check succeeded.


No resolution. Informational only.

Incoming Check Start

Incoming check of the vehicle begun.


No resolution. Informational only.

Incoming Check Unknown

An unknown error has occurred during the incoming check.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata D/L Start

Began downloading metadata from the device.


No resolution. Informational only.

Metadata D/L Success

Successfully downloaded metadata from the device.


No resolution. Informational only.

Metadata Data Missing

ARMOR could not find the data file.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata DL HDD Error

An error has occurred with the hard drive while downloading metadata.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata DL HDD Heater On

The heater for the DL is operating.


No resolution. Informational only.

Metadata DL HDD Missing

The hard drive is out and downloading metadata has stopped.


Verify that the DVR has a hard drive inserted.

Metadata DL Misc Error

An unknown error has occurred while downloading metadata.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata File Missing

The data file ARMOR was requesting cannot be found.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata Invalid Size

The DVR reported an invalid file size to ARMOR.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata Invalid XML

ARMOR detected malformed XML data from the DVR.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata Lost Comm.

ARMOR has lost the network connection with the DVR while downloading metadata.


If this happens frequently, the DVR may have a weak network connection.

Metadata Missing Header

The data file ARMOR was requested to parse has a missing header.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata No Data Added

ARMOR detected no data was added.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata Oversized

ARMOR detected metadata that was too large for the time range.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata Parse Begin

Began reading the data that was downloaded from the device.


No resolution. Informational only.

Metadata Parse Error

Failed to read metadata that was downloaded from the device.


Check the “Full Vehicle Log” in Diagnostics to find the specific alert associated with the failure.

Metadata Parse Success

Successfully updated ARMOR with new data from the vehicle.


No resolution. Informational only.

Metadata Parse Too Long

The notification for an Armor Action or vehicle is successful, but exceeded its recommended processing time.


Reduce the number of ARMOR Actions and/or the amount of processing capacity required to complete it.

Metadata SQL Deadlock

ARMOR detected a SQL Deadlock during submission of data.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata SQL Timeout

ARMOR detected a SQL Timeout during submission of data.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata Unknown Error

An unknown error occurred while reading metadata.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Metadata Upload Fail

The metadata failed to load.


Attempt another upload.

Metadata Wrong Size

The DVR uploaded an unexpected file size to ARMOR.


If this error occurs once or twice, disregard the issue. If the error occurs more frequently contact REI tech support.

Transfinder Sync Fail

Transfinder failed to download GPS data.


Contact your Transfinder representative for a solution.

Transfinder Sync Success

Transfinder successfully downloaded GPS data.


No resolution. Informational only.