ARMOR Software Suite presents most data in a table view that incorporates a number of powerful data-sorting and filtering tools.  These tools allow users to easily locate and view data of interest, regardless of the volume of the entire data pool.


Clicking any sortable column header will sort the entire list by the values in that column. Multiple clicks will toggle between sorting in ascending order, descending order, and unsorted.


Clicking the filter control filter icon in each column header brings up the filter dialog box for that column.


Selecting any value or values in the filter control will display events with those values. More specific filtering controls can be obtained by combining selected values with the commands available in the sample filter controls below.


Value Filtering

Click the filter icon icon in the data column to open the applicable value filtering drop-down list. After making the selections click Filter to compile results. This type of filter is used to sort many of the ARMOR data columns across various widgets, such as Last Reported Filtering, Time Filtering, or Event Time Filtering for a closer review of a specific event or to examine a more narrow category of driver behavior details.


Examples of Value Filters:

Time Filtering and Event Time Filtering

The Time Filtering and Event Time filter are very similar. Use these filtering tools for a closer review of a specific event or to examine a more narrow category of driver behavior details.


event filtering

Time Filtering Drop-Down


Show items with value that: – A drop-down list where a set of values is selected to make a comparison between a set of user-determined ranges.


Is equal to  

Is not equal to  

Starts with


Does not contain

Ends with

Is null

Is not null

Is empty

Is not empty

Click Filter to execute selections. Click Clear to reset to make new selections.


Time Filtering and Event Time Filtering calendar


Click the icon calendar for auto pilot time filter  to open a drop-down calendar used to set the date range.


Make a selection in the And/Or drop-down list.


Click Filter to execute selections. Click Clear to reset to make new selections.


Vehicle last reported time filter

Event Time Filtering Drop-Down List


Make a selection in the And/Or drop-down list.


Click Filter to execute selections. Click Clear to reset to make new selections.


Duration Filtering and Priority Filtering

Used to filter video duration measured in seconds. The drop-down list allows video duration to be measured in the following values: (of exactly, greater than, or less than) against a user-determined time frame.    

Click the filter icon icon in the Duration column to open the filtering drop-down list.

auto pilot duration filter        

Duration Filter Drop-Down List


Click the filter icon icon in the Priority column to open the filtering drop-down list. After making the selections click Filter to compile results.

auto pilot priority filter

Priority Filter Drop-Down List

Check Box Filtering


Click the filter icon icon in the data column to open the applicable check box filtering drop-down list.  After making the selections click Filter to compile results.


Use the check box filter to select a specific vehicle, driver or groups of vehicles and drivers from a list by selecting the check boxes next to each item on the filtering drop-down list. It is also possible to enter the name of the specific individual subject, or group of subjects, in the Search box at the top of the filtering drop-down list to locate a specific entry from the filter drop-down. There are different arrays of information in a check box filter, but all function the same.

Examples of Check Box Filters:

Vehicle/Vehicle Name Filter

Use Vehicle Filtering to choose a specific vehicle/vehicle name or multiple vehicles by selecting the check boxes next to each vehicle. It is also possible to enter the name of the vehicle in the Search box at the top of the filtering drop-down list to locate a specific vehicle. Choosing a unique array of vehicles or an individual vehicle enables streamlined monitoring of vehicle details and driver behavior involving a select number of vehicles or for an individual vehicle.  

auto pilot vehicle filter


Driver Filtering

Use Driver Filtering to choose a specific driver or multiple drivers by selecting the check boxes next to each driver's name. It is also possible to enter the name of the driver in the Search box at the top of the filtering drop-down list to locate a specific driver. Choosing a unique array of drivers or an individual driver enables streamlined monitoring of driver behavior involving a select number of drivers or for an individual driver.

Click the filter icon icon in the Driver column to open the filtering drop-down list. After making the selections click Filter to compile results.


auto pilot driver filter


Group Filtering

Group Filtering is used to choose a specific group or multiple groups by selecting the check boxes next to the name of each group. It is also possible to enter the name of the group in the Search box at the top of the filtering drop-down list to locate a specific group. Choosing a unique array of groups or an individual group enables streamlined monitoring of group behavior involving a select number of groups or for an individual group.


Click the filter icon icon in the Group column to open the filtering drop-down list. After making the selections click Filter to compile results.

auto pilot group filter


Status Filtering

Used to filter the status or the progress of the downloading of a video.    

Click the filter icon icon in the Status column to open the filtering drop-down list to select a status filtering value.


Stop Arm status filter values


Review Step Filtering

Used to filter the custom steps used for managing the process of reviewing possible violations.    

Click the filter icon icon in the Review Step column to open the filtering drop-down list.


Review step filter


Severity Filter


Use Severity Filtering to choose any of three levels of severity against an individual group, all groups, one specific vehicle, or all vehicles by selecting the check boxes next to each severity level.

Click the filter icon icon in the Severity column to open the filtering drop-down list. After making the selections click Filter to compile results.


Diagnostic search severity filter updated


Items per page Counter


Use the arrow buttons on the tool bar in the lower left corner to page through the table. The number of items displayed on each page can be adjusted using the items per page drop-down list as shown below. The number of items per page can be set to 20, 50 and 100. The default setting is 20 items per page.



Items per page tool bar

Items per page tool bar