Required for Text Messaging


If the user has not set up a Twilio account for text messaging capability in ARMOR Actions Configuration, a system alert message appears in the About page as depicted below. The message recommends the user enters the Twilio credentials in the Sentry Configuration program.



System Alert Indicating Missing Text Messaging Credentials 

System Alert Indicating Missing Text Messaging Credentials 


Acquiring Twilio Credentials


A Twilio account is necessary in order to obtain the credentials needed for SMS text messaging capability. Start by going to to initiate a Twilio account.


After establishing a 14-character password and Email address, log in to begin the process of adding an account. Enter the password and an Email address and answer the 'I'm not a robot' question.  Click Get Started to continue.



Twilio Account Setup

Twilio Account Setup


It is required to verify the Email address and phone number used to acquire a Twilio verification code. After entering the Email address and phone number for a Trial account there will be a prompt to click to enable Twilio to send a text message with the verification code to the provided phone number.


Once the verification code is acquired, enter the code to open the Welcome Page. A question appears asking 'Do you write code?' Instead of answering, click Skip to dashboard. Click on Get a free phone number and a window appears with the new Twilio phone number.


First Twilio Phone Number

First Twilio Phone Number



Click Choose this Number and a message appears with confirmation that the number is valid for the account.


Twilio Phone Number Confirmation

Twilio Phone Number Confirmation


Click Done to advance to the Account Dashboard.


Twilio Account Dashboard

Twilio Account Dashboard


From the Account Dashboard the Account SID and the Auth Token credentials can be retrieved. These are the SMS text messaging credentials that are required to be entered in the configuration program of the Sentry Server.


The Account SID credential is immediately visible. The Auth Token credential is hidden and can be revealed by clicking on Show in the text box. Click Hide to revert to the Show view. The Account SID and Auth Token credentials can be copied by clicking on the copy copy icon icon.


Auth Token Hidden

Auth Token Hidden


Auth Token Revealed

Auth Token Revealed



Enter Twilio Credentials to the Sentry Server


Copy and paste the Account SID and Auth Token credentials from the Twilio Account dashboard to the Twilio Account SID and Twilio Auth Token text boxes in the SMS Settings pane on the Messaging tab of the REI Sentry Server Configuration window.


Enter Twilio Credentials to Sentry SMS Settings

Enter Twilio Credentials to Sentry SMS Settings


Click Save when entries are completed.