User Groups enable multiple users to be allowed permissions to join a specific group. The identity and description of a specific user group is displayed on the User Groups table below. In the Actions column, a User Group can be edited edit icon 3.11 or deleted.


User Groups Window

User Groups Window




A User Group cannot be deleteddelete icon 3.11 if more than one user is associated with a group selected for deletion. If an attempt is made to delete a User Group under this condition,  the following message will appear.


Unable to Delete User Group message

Unable to Delete User Group message


Click on + New User Group to open the Edit User Group window. The Edit User Group window will also appear when the Edit Useredit icon 3.11button is selected in the Actions column on the User Groups window.


Edit User Group



Edit User Group 

Edit User Group 


Name: Name of the User Group.


Description: Details of the edit.


Permissions: Selection of applied ARMOR applications being enabled for the User Group. Applications that the user group has permissions to use are highlighted in gold. Applications in gray indicate the User Group does not have access permission.


Allowed Vehicle Groups: Vehicle fleets or vehicle entities (i.e., Allowing all) allowed permission to use the ARMOR applications.


When selections are completed, click Save. Click Cancel to stop editing the User Group.