Video Logs Field Definitions Table:

This table lists the StopArm and AutoPilot Video Log entries, with a brief description, that can appear on a File History report.


Log Entry


Potential Resolution

File Requested

The file has been requested by....user name.

No resolution necessary.

File Conversion


No resolution necessary.

File Conversion

The conversion failed and will not be retried.

Download the native file and view in VMS.

Try to download a smaller portion of the file.

File Analysis


No resolution necessary.

File analysis

The analysis has failed and will not be retried.

Download the native file and view in VMS.

File protection

On, set by user.

No resolution necessary.

File protection

Off, set by user.

No resolution necessary.

File sharing

On, set by user.

No resolution necessary.

File sharing

Off, set by user.

No resolution necessary.

File watched by user

User name.

No resolution necessary.

File Download


No resolution necessary.

File Download


No resolution necessary.

File Download

The download has been canceled by the user.


No resolution necessary.

File Download

ARMOR has lost communication with the DVR.


Wait for communication with the DVR to re-establish. If the problem persists, check the connection with the DVR.

File Download

ARMOR could not establish communication with the DVR.


Wait for communication with the DVR to re-establish. If the problem persists, check the connection with the DVR.

File Download

The DVR has actively refused the connection with ARMOR.


Reduce the number of open applications that are actively communicating with the DVR (i.e. VMS).

File Download

The file has been partially downloaded.  It will be resumed.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Download

Communication with the DVR has timed out.

Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Download

File has failed due to an unknown reason.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Download

The file size the DVR reported is invalid.


Reduce the size of the requested video files.

File Download

The DVR has reported that there is no video in this time.


Re-request with a valid timeframe. Pull the hard drive and view in VMS.

File Conversion


No resolution necessary.

File Analysis


No resolution necessary.

File Conversion

ARMOR has detected some channels may be missing.  The missing channels will be ignored.


Affirm the requested channels exist. Confirm whether the missing channels are active.

File Conversion

ARMOR has detected duplicates of the same channel.  The duplicate channels will be ignored.


Download the native file and view in VMS.

File Conversion

ARMOR has detected some unexpected channels.  The unexpected channels will be ignored.


Ignore the extra channels. Download the native file and view in VMS.

File Conversion

An unknown conversion error occurred.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion has timed out.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion reported as failed.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion has failed to start.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion tool failed to respond.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion resulted in zero files.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion resulted in corrupted files.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion resulted in zero-length files.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

The conversion failed to create a directory.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

One or more of the files were inaccessible or being used by a different program.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Conversion

ARMOR detected this conversion may be stuck and has reverted it.


Wait for another conversion attempt.

File Download

The file was split into multiple segments due to a very large download.


Notice the file has split. This is typical with a large file.

File Download

An attempt to resume the file has failed.  Restarting from the beginning of the file.


Server will attempt another download.

File Download

An unknown error occurred downloading the file.


Server will attempt another download.

File Download

ARMOR has detected a request ID that is out of the valid range.


Likely corruption on the hard drive. Try downloading smaller portions of the file.

File Download

ARMOR has detected an incorrect file size.


Likely corruption on the hard drive. Try downloading smaller portions of the file.

File Download

The file has been partially downloaded and will be resumed.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Download

ARMOR has lost connection with the DVR and will resume the file when it returns.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Download

The file on disk was inaccessible or being used by a different program.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Download

The DVR reported a block ID that was invalid.


Try downloading smaller files or pull the hard drive and view in VMS.

File Download

The DVR reported an invalid local group header.


Try downloading smaller files or pull the hard drive and view in VMS.

File Download

ARMOR detected this download may be stuck and has reverted it.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Download

The file download has failed and will not be retried.


Try and download different video time frame, or pull the hard drive and view in VMS.

File Analysis

An invalid Stop-Arm configuration has been detected for this file.


Review the input schema for this vehicle.

File Analysis

An unknown analysis error has occurred.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Analysis

Unable to find metadata during the time of the event.


Wait for the analysis to retry.

File Analysis

Unable to geo-locate the address of the event.


Verify connection to the Internet. Verify the GPS is functioning correctly.

File Analysis

Unable to append the databar.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Analysis

ARMOR detected this analysis may be stuck and has reverted it.


Wait for file to be reconnected with the DVR.

File Analysis

The connection to the reverse geo-location service has failed.


Verify connection to the Internet. Verify the GPS is functioning correctly.