Clicking on the Dashboard link in the Navigation menu opens the ARMOR Dashboard window.



Typical Dashboard

Typical Dashboard



The Dashboard displays a high level summary of the following data:


Graph depicting Bandwidth By Day

Graph depicting Active Hours By Day

Graph depicting Downloads By Day

Number of Active Vehicles

Gigabytes of Weekly Bandwidth

Number of Downloads This Week

Amount of Active Vehicle Hours

Number of Flagged Videos


The Select ARMOR Action: drop-down menu allows the selection of a specific ARMOR Action (i.e., Stop Arm Violation) to be emphasized on the map and on the ARMOR Action Activity graph displayed below the map.


Hovering over tool tips on the graphs enable users to obtain information specific to a date. The ARMOR Action Activity graph will displayed only when an ARMOR Action is selected from the Select ARMOR Action: drop-down menu. The ARMOR Actions selected from the Select ARMOR Action: drop-down reflect ARMOR Actions that report data that were selected from the Data Search mode under ARMOR Action Configuration in Administration.


Disk Space


For multitenant, a disk space percentage indicator is displayed. The current amount of used disk space and the amount available is displayed in the lower left corner of the window.


Disk Space Indicator

Disk Space Indicator




Hot spots of the selected ARMOR Action activity are indicated on the map with a heat map heatmap marker marker. As the amount of ARMOR Action activity intensifies, the marker becomes more vibrant. The marker fades when activity subsides.


When an ARMOR Action selection is changed from the drop-down, the map will adjust its data and heat map markers to reflect the data of the selected ARMOR Action.


The vehicle icon vehicle icon denotes a vehicle in service on that day. Hover over the icon to reveal the identity of the vehicle (i.e., TEST_HD800). The vehicle icons will move on the map as the vehicle actually travels on its route.  The location status of active vehicles on the map is updated every five seconds. Use the in and out buttons Dashboard in and out buttons on the lower left corner of the map to zoom the view in and out. It is possible to navigate on the map by clicking, holding, and dragging the cursor on the map.


Link to Insight


Select and click on a vehicle icon vehicle icon on the map to open a pop-up message that identifies the vehicle, its last active status, and a 'Click for details' link to Insight where further details can be accessed. Click anywhere on the map to dismiss the pop-up message.



Link to Insight Displayed

Link to Insight Displayed


Click on the 'Click for details' link to jump to the Insight window with information about the selected vehicle.


Note: A license for Insight is required to enable this functionality.


A license renewal warning pop-up message appears 60 days before the license expiration date.


License Expiration Notification 

License Expiration Notification 


Refer to the Insight section for more information.


Upgrade Notification


A notification message is displayed at the top of the ARMOR window at the time of log in to indicate an ARMOR version upgrade.


ARMOR Release Upgrade Notification Message

ARMOR Release Upgrade Notification Message




The release notes can be accessed by clicking on the release notes link at the end of the notification message. Click Remind Me Later Remind Me later button to dismiss the new upgrade message. The message reappears when the page is refreshed or when the user logs out and logs back in again.


Clicking Dismiss Dismiss buttoncauses the message to be dismissed and not appear again.