The Events Search Mode criteria for Vehicle Events, Video Events, and Student Events.


Events Window

Events Window


Vehicle Events


Click inside the Select Vehicle Events... text box to access the drop-down menu of Vehicle Events that are aligned with the Diagnostic Alert Tab fields.


Vehicle Events Drop Down Menu

Vehicle Events Drop Down Menu


Video Events


Click inside the Select Video Events... text box to access the drop-down menu of Video Events.


Video Events Drop Down Menu

Video Events Drop Down Menu


Select Video Events Menu:


Video Event Field



A new video file has been requested by:

Conversation Successful

File Conversion: Successful


File deleted by:.....

File Processing Error

A file processing error occurred

Conversion Failed, Will Retry

The conversion reported as failed

Analysis Failed, No More Retries

The file analysis has failed and will not be retried

Protection On

User has set the file protection on

Protection Off

User has set the file protection off

Sharing On

User has set the file sharing on

Sharing Off

User has set the file sharing off


File watched by user

Analysis Successful

File Analysis: Successful

Download Started

File Download: Started

Download Successful

File Download: Successful

Conversion Started

File Conversion: Started

Analysis Started

File Analysis: Started

Missing Channels Detected

ARMOR has detected some channels may be missing.  The missing channels will be ignored

Duplicate Channels Detected

ARMOR has detected duplicates of the same channel.  The duplicate channels will be ignored

Unexpected Channels Detected

ARMOR has detected some unexpected channels.  The unexpected channels will be ignored

Unknown Conversion Error

An unknown conversion error occurred

Conversion Timed Out

The conversion has timed out

Conversion Tool Failed

The conversion tool failed to respond

Conversion Failed Start

The conversion has failed to start

Conversion Tool Hung

The conversion tool is stuck

No Files Found

The conversion resulted in zero files

Corrupted Files Found

The conversion resulted in corrupted files

Zero Length Files

The conversion resulted in zero-length files

Directory Creation Failed

The conversion failed to create a directory

Inaccessible Files

One or more of the files were inaccessible or being used by a different program

Stuck Conversion

ARMOR detected this conversion may be stuck and has reverted it

File Too Large and Split

The file was split into multiple segments due to a very large download

Restart File

An attempt to resume the file has failed.  Restarting from the beginning of the file

Unknown Download Error

An unknown error occurred downloading the file

No Video to Download

The DVR has reported that there is no video in the requested time

Download ID Out of Range

ARMOR has detected a request ID that is out of the valid range

Incorrect File Size

The file size the DVR reported is invalid

DVR Refused Connection

The DVR has actively refused the connection

DVR Invalid File Size

The DVR reported an invalid file size

Download Interrupted, Will Resume

The file has been partially downloaded and will be resumed

Download Forcibly Interrupted, Will Resume

ARMOR has lost connection with the DVR and will resume the file when it returns

Download File Already Used

The file on disk was inaccessible or being used by a different program

Invalid Download Block ID

The DVR reported a block ID that was invalid

Invalid Download Group Header

The DVR reported an invalid local group header

Download Stuck

ARMOR detected this download may be stuck and has reverted it

Download Failed

The file download has failed and will not be retried

Invalid Stop Arm Configuration

An invalid Stop-Arm configuration has been detected for this file

Unknown Analysis Error

An unknown analysis error has occurred

No Metadata in Analysis Period

Unable to find metadata during the time of the event

No Coordinates Available

Unable to geolocate the address of the event

Databar Appending Failed

Unable to append the databar

Reverted Stuck Analysis

ARMOR detected this analysis may be stuck and has reverted it

Reverse Geolocation Service Failure

The connection to the reverse geolocation service has failed


Report Creation


Select the individual parameters for the event to be notified that it has occurred. Make selections in either the Vehicle Events or Video Events drop-down menus. For example, click in the Video Events drop-down menu and make selections (i.e. Requested in the following sample) for a Video Events Report.


Selection of Video Events for Daily Report

Selection of Video Events for Daily Report


Click the Next button at the bottom of the window to jump to the ARMOR Action Response Configuration Window to perform the next step.


Student Events


In the Student Events criteria for the Events search mode, users can configure ARMOR Actions to search if a student has boarded the wrong bus, missed the bus, went to the wrong stop, is absent, arrived early, late, or missed the stop.


Use the Apply To: drop-down menu for searching under a more narrow driver/vehicle criteria.


ARMOR Actions Student Apply To window 3.10


Select the following from the Apply To: drop-down:


All Vehicles

Vehicle Group

Single Vehicle

Single Driver

All Drivers


In the second entry of the Apply To: drop-down, select the specific driver, vehicle, or vehicle group associated with the selection made in the first drop-down menu.


Student Window

Student Window


Make a selection from the Student Events drop-down listing:


Board Wrong Stop

Exit Wrong Stop

Boards Correctly

Arrives Correctly

Student Riding Wrong Route

Unknown Card Scan

Student Missed Scan

Trip Running Late

Trip Back on Time

Stop Skipped


Click Next to jump to the ARMOR Action Response Configuration Window to perform the next step.


If an event has not been selected, an Invalid Parameter message will be prompted if Next is clicked.


Invalid Parameter Error Message

Invalid Parameter Error Message


Click OK and select an event in the Student Events drop-down menu.