The columns containing the filter icon icon have the capability to allow filtering for a closer review of a specific event or to examine a more narrow category of vehicle details.


The filtering methods pertaining to this section are the permanent Vehicle Name, Group, and Last Reported field data columns that can be selected from the Settings menu. These filtering methods are interchangeable with the other Default, Reporting, StopArm Violation, and AutoPilot data column fields that can be added or removed from the Diagnostics Vehicle Overview Table within the Settings menu.  


Diagnostic Search Filtering


All vehicles or a specific group of vehicles can be selected for filtering.  In addition, an individual vehicle can be singled out and filtered for review.  After making selections, click Search to compile results. The Severity, Vehicle, Description, and Event Time categories can be filtered to compile a unique and specific array of data. Click Clear to reset to make new selections.


Refer to the Sorting and Filtering section in the Introduction for information about using filters.