Use the Security Logs function to monitor user activity that could appear unusual or suspicious.  



Security Logs Window

Security Logs Window



Event Time – Date and time of the event


User – Name of the user with ARMOR access


IP Address – Users' Internet Protocol Address


Event – Listed below are the types of activity that are logged in the Event column of the Security Logs window:


Initiated password reset

Finalized resetting password

First logged in

Changed password through profile

Edited their profile

Accepted sharing anonymous data

Rejected sharing anonymous data

Reset all authentications

Logged in

Entered an invalid password

User is locked caused by too many failed attempts

Logged in (via stored cookie)

Logged out

Added a trusted device

Failed password challenge

Attempted to access a restricted area

User logged out due to inactivity




The Event Time, User, and IP Address columns have the capability to allow filteringblue filter icon to enable a closer review of a specific event or to examine a more narrow category of vehicle details. Refer to the Sorting and Filtering section under Introduction for information about using filters.