Use Student to monitor student transit and assure safe passage and accounting of each student from the time the student boards the vehicle to when the student exits the vehicle.


This system is able to track the following events revolving around each student and vehicle:


If a student boarded and exited the vehicle at the correct stop

Identify the location and time when the student boarded/exited the vehicle at the wrong stop

Alert if the student did not board the vehicle

Alert if the student did not exit the vehicle

Notification that the vehicle either arrived early or late to a stop

Alert that an unknown card was swiped  


A display of the number of vehicles deployed on a route can be reviewed.



Student Window


The default, Vehicle Schedules view, Window displays:


Vehicle Schedules and Student Details drop-down

Start Date and End Date of the Semester

Date with Calendar drop-down

Search Window

Route Timeline



Vehicle Schedules


The Vehicle Schedules is the default page of Student. Use the Student drop down menu 3.16 drop-down menu to access the Vehicle Schedule and Student Details from the initial Student window.



Student Window, Displaying Routes Completed

Student Window, Displaying Routes Completed





Select a semester from the drop-down menu. The Start Date: and End Date: for the selected semester is displayed next to the drop-down.


Semester Drop-down

Semester Drop-down





Click on the Calendar icon calendar for auto pilot time filter next to the Date: text box to open the calendar and select the date to review student transport activity. The highlighted dates on the calendar represent past dates when a route occurred and future dates when a route is scheduled. Click on the day on the calendar to select the day of the month to review. By default it is set to the current day.  







At the top of the summary table is a Search window Student Search box 4.2 that enables users to find a specific student or vehicle. Enter the name of the student or vehicle (i.e., john) in the search window and the related names are generated automatically. Note that the search results include only students and vehicles that have activity on the currently selected date. The desired date is selected from the drop-down calendar above the Search box. When a search is unsuccessful (i.e., bus 10), a message appears indicating 'No results were found.'


Route Summary and Map


When an individual Route is selected, the details of the route of the selected bus is displayed on the map (i.e. STRIDE_165). Each Stop displayed on the map is represented on the Timeline displayed above the map as depicted in the screen sample below.



Student Initial Window

Student Initial Window






Individual Route Summary

Individual Route Summary


Route – Identity of the route.


Schedule – Identifies the type of user-defined route (i.e., Morning).


Vehicle – Identity of the vehicle deployed on the route.


Date – Month/Day/Year the route is run.


Student Name – Identity of the student. Clicking a Student Name entry displays boarding and departure details for that selected name on the summary grid and map.


Pickup – The address of the stop on the route that the student is scheduled to board the bus.


Dropoff – The address of the stop on the route that the student is scheduled to depart the bus.


Status – Indicates the location and the phase of transport of the student.



The colors of the route markers represent the status of the transit of the students associated with that particular stop. A green map marker greendot denotes a normal condition in that the students are in transit as planned (i.e., Left correct stop). A gray map marker gray marker indicates a planned stop (i.e., Departure Planned).   Hovering over a map marker identifies the location of the stop represented by that marker.  A green route markerSemesters green route marker 4.10indicates the beginning of the route. The red route markerSemesters red route marker 4.10indicates the location where the route ends.


Route Summary Symbols


A ring on the Route Summary represents a stop the vehicle is scheduled to make on its route. The color of the ring indicates the status with the stop. A green ring Student green ring 4.2 indicates a completed stop. An unreported or wrong stop is identified with a red Student route red ring 4.3 ring. A stop that is scheduled to be made, planned, is identified with a gray Student gray ring 4.2 ring. The gold arrow student gold arrow approaching drop off 4.3 indicates the student is on route to drop off. The green arrow student green arrow 4.3 indicates the student was dropped off. A gray arrow student gray arrow 4.3 indicates the student is waiting to be picked up.


Hovering over the rings opens a flag that identifies the location and the status of the stop.


Typical Route Summary

Typical Route Summary




A warning indicator appears Student past route indicator 4.2 when a route has run past its scheduled time.  A gray calendar Student route scheduled icon 4.3 icon indicates the route is scheduled. A bus iconStudent route in progress icon 4.3 indicates the route is in progress. A check mark icon Student route completed icon 4.3 indicates the route is completed.



Clicking on a route on the Route Summary opens a Route Summary for the selected route.




Afternoon Route Summary

Afternoon Route Summary




Morning Route Sumnmary

Morning Route Sumnmary



The progress of the vehicle running its route is depicted on the map. Click the New Back button button to return to the Daily Route Summary.




The Timeline appears above the map when an individual route is selected on the Route Summary.


Hovering over a route marker on the Timeline displays the address of the stop. The green or gray route marker identifies whether that stop is Done Timeline marker green 4.3 or Planned Timeline marker gray 4.3.  


Timeline with Completed Stops

Timeline with Completed Stops



When the Timeline is not active because the route has not started, hovering over a route marker (gray) opens a pop-up window listing the location of the planned stop.


Timeline with Planned Stops

Timeline with Planned Stops


Clicking on a specific marker on the bar opens a roster with the names and the status of the passengers associated with the planned boarding or being dropped off at the stop.



List of Students Boarding on Selected Stop

List of Students Boarding on Selected Stop



List of Students with Dropoff Planned at Selected Stop

List of Students with Dropoff Planned at Selected Stop




Route in Progress


Clicking on one of the vehicles in the Route list opens the Timeline and map for the selected Route.



Morning Route in Progress

Morning Route in Progress



Click on an individual route (i.e., STRIDE_734) from the active Route Summary.


Individual Route in Progress

Individual Route in Progress


The Route Summary evolves as the status of the student roster changes from planned (gray) to correct stop (green). The status arrows evolve from gray student gray arrow 4.3 (waiting to be picked up) to gold student gold arrow approaching drop off 4.3 (on route to dropoff) to green student green arrow 4.3(dropped off).


Forgotten Card


When a student forgets a boarding card, the MDT accounts for the student being absent or not swiping the card will be omitted and identified with a Student Forgot Card Student forgot card icon 4.3 icon in the Status column of the student.


On the Route Summary, the student who forgot the card is identified in the status column and a forgotten card is indicated on the map depicted in the sample above.


When clicking on the name of the student who forgot its boarding card, the location where the student boarded without a card is identified on the adjoining map.


Student Forgot Card

Student Forgot Card


The student row high lighted in pink indicates the student missed having its boarding card scanned when exiting the bus.



Student Missed Card Scan

Student Missed Card Scan





When there is an issue or Alert, it is highlighted on the Schedule. Clicking on the Alert on the Schedule reveals a pop-up message on the map that defines the Alert (i.e., a student boarding at an unscheduled stop).


Student Boarding at Wrong Stop

Student Boarding at Wrong Stop



Student Details



Select Student Details Student Details drop down 3.16 from  the drop-down to access the Student Details sections from the initial Student window.