The Vehicles section under Administration is where vehicles are managed. Vehicles can be put in service, taken out of service, or deleted from the system entirely.  


In Service

In Service vehicles are vehicles that are currently in service. Vehicles can be taken out of service by clicking the Out of ServiceVehicles out of service icon button in the Actions column to the far right of the specific vehicle.


In Service Tab

In Service Tab

The screen consists of the following sections and fields:


oName – Name of the subject vehicle (i.e. CHIEF_031).

oLast Reported Time – The date and time when the last event was reported.

oActive Port – Port to communicate when in the active state.

oRoaming Port – Port to communicate when in the roaming state.

oGroup – Identifies the Vehicle Group the subject vehicle is assigned.

oActions Column where the Out of ServiceVehicles out of service icon and Delete Vehicledelete icon 3.11buttons are located.


Out of Service

Out Of Service Vehicles are vehicles currently out of service. Vehicles can be placed in service by clicking the In Service Vehicles in service icon button in the Actions column to the far right of the specific vehicle.


Out of Service Tab

Out of Service Tab

The window consists of the following sections and fields:


oName – Name of the subject vehicle (i.e. TXAST_281).

oLast Reported Time – The date and time when the last event was reported.

oActive Port – Port to communicate when in the active state.

oRoaming Port – Port to communicate when in the roaming state.

oActions Contains the In Service Vehicles in service icon Change Vehicle Password Vehicles change vehicle password button 4.7 and Delete Vehicledelete icon 3.11buttons.


Change Vehicle Password


Click the Change Vehicle Password Vehicles change vehicle password button 4.7 button. A warning message appears asking whether to proceed with the password change.


Note: The DVR on the vehicle must be out of service when making the password change.



Change Vehicle Password Warning Message

Change Vehicle Password Warning Message



Click No to cancel. Click Yes to proceed and the Change Vehicle Dialog Box appears.


Change Vehicle Password Dialog Box

Change Vehicle Password Dialog Box


Enter the new password and click Submit to confirm the change. Click Cancel to stop the change process.



Pending Vehicles are new vehicles that are waiting to be placed into service. If there are no vehicles scheduled to be placed into service, 'No Vehicles Pending' appears on the window.


Pending Tab

Pending Tab

The window consists of the following sections and fields:


oName – Name of the subject vehicle.

oLast Reported Time – The date and time when the last event was reported.

oActive Port – port to communicate when in the active state.

oRoaming Port – port to communicate when in the roaming state.

oActions Contains the Approve Approve button Merge Merge button and Deletedelete icon 3.11buttons.




Use Merge when a DVR is being replaced on a pending vehicle and the legacy data from the previous DVR needs to be carried over to the new DVR.  Click the MergeMerge buttonbutton to open a Merge Vehicle table that lists the vehicles to merge DVR data from to the DVR on the pending vehicle.


From the table, click the MergeMerge buttonbutton in the row of the vehicle to merge data from to the pending vehicle. Click Cancel at the bottom left corner of the table to stop the merging process.




A vehicle can be removed from the system entirely by clicking Deletedelete icon 3.11 to the far right of the vehicle you want to remove.




The Name, Last Reported Time, Active Port, Roaming Port, and Group for In Service columns have the capability to allow filtering to enable a closer review of a specific event or to examine a more narrow category of vehicle details. Refer to the Sorting and Filtering section in Introduction for information about using filters.